Calcium Silicate
Application: Calcium Silicate is a White asbestos free & rigid insulation product. It is use for all types of heat equipments, Vessel and plant, Power Station and Process Industries.
Material Specification:
Bulk Density = 220 kg/M³ Flexural strength >= 3.16 kg/cm²
Comprehensive strength >= 5.1 kg/cm²
Service temperature: = 650℃
Linear shrinkage: <= 2%, Water repellent rate >= 98%
Thermal conductivity: 0.060 W/m K
Rockwool Pipe Section / Blanket / Board
Application: Insulation for Tank, Boiler, Equipment, Pipe Works, Fire Protection.
Materials Specification:
Water repellent grade non combustible
A.S.1530 Part 3 Chloride content :
Glass Wool Blanket / Glass Wool Blanket With Foil

Rock Wool Pipe
Fiberglass blanket is a lightweight flexible insulation with good compressition resistance and tensile strength. It is suited to both the external & internal insulation of ductworks & rise.
Materials Specification: Density: 24 kg/m3 Max.service temp: 350c℃ Combustibility: non combustible (A.S. 1530 Part3)
PH -Value: 7.5 – 8 (BS 3958 Pt5 – 1969)
Water absorb : Thermal conductivity : 0.033 W/mk at 20℃ mean
Cellular Glass
Due to its physical Properties Cellular Glass is the ideal insulation material for low temperature Vapor Barrier Insulation System as well as for insulation system exposed to high compression
Materials Specification:
Density: 120 kg/m³ / Max.service temp: -260℃ to +430℃
Water absorbsion: Zero / Hygroscopicity: Zero, Permeability Zero/
Capillarity: Zero, Combustibility: A1 DIN 4102 non combustible compressive strength: 600 KPa.